Community Water Purifiers

Purificadores de agua a gran escala

High Volume Water Purification

Icon LifeSaver's roots are firmly embedded in Humanitarian efforts after British inventor, Michael Pritchard, was inspired by two natural disasters to develop a way of getting clean, safe drinking water to people who desperately need it for survival.

Today we still provide large scale community water purifiers to communities with no or limited access to safe water, and are the trusted partner of Oxfam, UK Aid Direct and others. Our LifeSaver C1 model can sustain a community of 100 people for four years, purifying up to 500,000 litres before the filter cartridge needs replacing, while the LifeSaver C2 delivers up to one million litres, making it ideal for larger communities, refugee camps, schools and hospitals.

And, with around 1% of the UK's population living in rural or off-grid communities that are reliant on alternative water sources such as boreholes, rivers and streams, and rainwater harvesting, our large scale water solutions are in high demand locally too. The purification filters exceed the standards set by the Drinking Water Inspectorate (DWI), the organisation responsible for monitoring private water supplies.

Our range has expanded to include portable water purifier bottles and jerrycans, supplying clean water to military and outdoor adventure communities.

Consultar precio
Purifica hasta 500.000 litros de agua Agua potable segura al abrir el grifo Elimina Virus – 99,99% Bacterias – 99,9999% Quistes – 99,99% Puerto de drenaje incorporado para lim...
Consultar precio
Este cartucho está sellado térmicamente en papel de aluminio para una vida útil prolongada de 10 años. La mayor vida útil se debe a la lámina de aluminio que tiene una tasa de difusión del vapor...