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Interest in Emergency Preparedness Surges

To say 2020 has been turbulent so far would be quite an understatement.

For those who have been keeping their eyes on current world events, this year may have felt like a constant barrage of bad news. In just the first six weeks we’ve already witnessed devastating natural disasters, political assassinations and the outbreak of a new strand of the Coronavirus!

These global events and even tragedies such as the recent passing of Kobe Bryant serve as a sharp reminder that the unexpected can happen at any moment, instantly turning lives upside.

Unpredictable times.

It’s times like these when people begin considering more seriously their own situations, in particular what they would do in the face of such potentially life-changing events happening in their own lives.

However some people have already started getting themselves ready for any possible emergency. These people are known as ‘preppers’. Preppers are often portrayed in the media as ‘tin foil hat’ wearing, conspiracy theorists suffering from paranoia. This perception of preppers is inaccurate. In reality the majority of the prepper community is made up of rational individuals and families who simply want to be ready should the worst happen.

Forward planning.

Why should prepping seem weird, yet it’s not considered strange when someone takes out life insurance? But could prepping be going main stream? Recent global events seem to be waking more people up to the idea of being prepared. Businesses who sell emergency preparedness items are reporting a huge spike in interest and sales over the last month.

Water is “Essential for Survival”.

Here at LifeSaver, disaster preparedness is a topic we’ve covered multiple times. This is because our portable water purifiers are a perfect prepping solution for safe drinking water, which is one of the core emergency essentials. We recently put together a short list of 5 go-to inclusions for a basic emergency kit, which you can read here.

If you are someone who has just taken an interest in emergency preparedness and don’t know where to start, there is an excellent and thorough beginners guide to prepping you can check out here.

All our purifiers would be life-saving in the event you find yourself needing to make your own safe drinking water. We even have an emergency preparedness category in our shop just for preppers, where we supply our products with spare filters and everything arrives packaged in heat-sealed aluminium foil, giving an extended shelf life of up to 10 years. That’s 10 years of peace of mind, knowing you and your family have a safe solution to purify water in emergency situations.

Good luck with your preparations!

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