What does LifeSaver mean by ‘FailSafe’ technology?

We talk a lot about FailSafe technology but what does that mean exactly?

Like many of our competitors, LifeSaver products rely on hollow fibre membranes to filter out contaminants. Most water filters use membranes with a pore (hole) size of 0.1 or 0.2 microns (100 or 200 nanometres). At this size, they will safely block out protozoa, bacteria, and some microplastics, but not viruses, which are much smaller; some waterborne viruses can be as small as 0.02 micron (or 20 nanometres). The membranes we use in our LifeSaver water purifiers have a pore size of approximately only 15 nanometres or 0.015 microns which will effectively block viruses.

Failsafe solution

As our filters approach the end of their life, the pores in the membranes begin to block up; you’ll notice a reduction in water flow and it will become harder to pump. Eventually every single pore will be blocked and even water molecules won’t pass through. You cannot drink dangerous water from a LifeSaver product when the cartridge needs replacing because it stops letting water come through! It’s because of this feature that we call our products FAILSAFE. Whilst this might seem like a downside (as you’ll need a replacement cartridge), it’s an incredibly important indication that your product isn’t working anymore.

Replacement Cartridges

All our products have replaceable filter cartridges, but you won’t need one very often. The LifeSaver Bottle will safely purify up to 6,000 litres of water; in theory - based on an individual drinking two litres of water every day - that means that the filter could last over eight years! In reality of course, it will depend on just how dirty your water source is. Clear-looking water from a fast running stream or river will likely have less to clog up the filters than muddy ditch water. And you may need more water each day if you are camping (for washing or cooking) or traveling in a hot climate, but, the point is, if you carry a spare cartridge, you probably won’t need to use it for a very long time.

Unbeatable performance

There’s a reason why we supply the UK, US and other military forces around the world. Coupled with the fact that LifeSaver water purifiers block viruses AND are fully tested to NSF P231 standards, our FailSafe technology puts us ahead of all other portable water filters on the market.

Whether your next adventure is an afternoon of fishing on a local lake, a brisk hike to the nearest hill top, or a two-month overlanding trip across Asia, our water purifying products will help keep you safe.