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Disasters Don’t Wait. Make Your Plan Today.

Disasters Don’t Wait. Make Your Plan Today.

Everyone should be prepared with an emergency disaster kit

Here at LifeSaver, emergency preparedness is on our minds all year round, however in the US, the Department of Homeland Security has designated September as ‘National Preparedness Month’. This serves as a useful remind for people to consider how ready they would be for a disaster. Given the way 2020 has unfolded so far, many people will be taking emergency preparations even more seriously now.

The year’s theme is “Disasters Don’t Wait. Make Your Plan Today.” That’s great, but where to begin? To be fully prepared for all possible disasters is quite an undertaking, but there is a simpler way to think about it. Of all the types of emergency situations you could find yourself in, they can be broken down into two possible worst-case scenarios:

  • I need to stay at home for a prolonged period of time and can’t go out and buy anything
  • I need to leave my home for a prolonged period of time and can’t buy anything

Bugging in or bugging out?

Preppers call these options ‘bugging in’ or ‘bugging out’. Bugging in is the easiest of the two options, it mainly involves being well stocked up on all the essential items which will get you through the near future.

The second involves more planning and the assembling of a bug-out bag or disaster kit. This kit should be ready and easily accessible should an immediate evacuation be required. Here are some considerations when putting your kit together and making your ‘evacuation’ plans:

  • Where would my family and I go to in an emergency?
  • If separated at the time of the emergency, how would you communicate, where would you meet?
  • How would we get where we needed to go?
  • What would happen if we couldn’t find shelter?
  • Should amenities cease to exist, how would we access a safe, clean water source?
  • Do we have access to food which can be stored, sealed, ready to go and are non-perishable?
  • Clothes for any eventuality
  • Forms of identification, medical requirements or emergency medication
  • A pet plan – as part of the family, their safety counts too!

Our 5 essential items for a bug out bag are; a LifeSaver portable water purifier (of course!), food, radio, flashlight and medical supplies, as outlined in our previous blog. For all your water purification needs, take a look at our emergency preparedness range.

Don’t get caught out, making these preparations ASAP could make all the difference for you and your family should an unexpected disaster occur, and they’re always unexpected! Remember, disasters don’t wait.

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