The Ultimate Travelling Essentials List

The Ultimate Travelling Essentials List

Time to hit the trail

It’s that time of year where many people pack up and head off on a worldwide adventure. Backpacking across the globe can be exciting, challenging and hugely rewarding and every year it’s becoming more popular.  So, the team at LifeSaver have put together our list of the top 10 travelling essentials you’re going to need if you’re off to explore the world.

No 1: Backpack

Look for something lightweight and comfortable when it’s on but it needs to be robust and waterproof too. Some even have lifetime warranties, so be choosy.

No 2: The best travel water bottle and purifier

Needless to say, we’d recommend the LifeSaver Liberty. We think it’s the best travel water purifier on the market and it takes the place of a normal bottle, a steripen and water purification tablets in your backpack. Plus, it saves the planet from single use plastic water bottles. Check out more here: LifeSaver Liberty™ travel water purifier bottle.

No 3: Sleeping bag

Despite the best planning in the world you never know when you might find yourself without a bed one night. A decent sleeping bag gives you options. Something lightweight, waterproof and with an appropriate temperature rating – so, remember to consider the climate you’ll be travelling in.

No 4: Travel security belt

Security should always be top of mind. Your travel belt should be strong, durable, easy to access and with lots of useful compartments. You need to be careful out there.

No 5: Travel adapter

The world travel adapters are slightly bulkier but mean you only need to carry one. This is key for charging up your essentials.

No 6: Phone and/or laptop

You need to keep in touch with friends and family. They’ll want to know and see how you’re getting on. So, depending on your electronics preference, you may want to take a phone, tablet, laptop or one of each!

No 7: Travel towel

Travelling might be fun but using someone else’s towel, not so much. Normal towels are bulky, which isn’t ideal when you’re space limited. Travel towels are made from micro-fibres which means they’re absorbent and easy to fold up small.

No 8: Padlock

A padlock will come in useful for many situations. Whether you’re using lockers in a hostel or leisure complex, or if you want to protect your belongings whilst on route. Go for a digit combination version rather than key based, so you don’t risk losing your key!

No 9: Sunglasses

Because you need to stay cool whilst you’re travelling. Need we say more.

No 10: Torch

You never know where you might end up or when you might experience a power cut. And nobody wants to be looking for the bathroom in the dark. A good quality torch, or even a head torch, must be one of the most appreciated things in your back pack. When you need it, you’ll be so glad you’ve got it!

*Photo by Philipp Kämmerer on Unsplash.

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